Case No.F.4-97/2015-R (9/2015). TWENTY EIGHT INSPECTORS (BS-16), PERMANENT, AIRPORTS SECURITY FORCE, CABINET SECRETARIAT, (AVIATION DIVISION). MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Bachelor’s Degree. PHYSICAL STANDARD OF FITNESS: (i) Minimum height: For male 5′-6″ or 168 cm and for female 5′-2″ or 157 cm. (ii) Minimum Weight: For male 106 Lbs or 48.1 Kg and for female 45 Kg or 99.2 Lbs. (iii) Minimum Chest Measurement: For male 32¾″ or 83 cm Expanded 34¾″ or 88 cm. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=One, Punjab=Fifteen, Sindh (Rural)=Four, Sindh(Urban)=Two, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Three, Balochistan=One, GBFATA=One and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible). NOTE: - The eligibility of the candidates with regard to Physical Standard of Fitness as advertised will be determined on the basis of medical examination to be arranged by the ASF, Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division) as and when required.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-111/2015-R (9/2015). SEVENTEEN ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (INVESTIGATION) (BS-17), TEMPORARY LIKELY TO BE PERMANENT, FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree from a University recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit= Two, Punjab= Nine (Open merit=Seven, Women quota= One and Minorities/Non-Muslims quota=One), Sindh(Urban)=Three (Open merit= Two and Women quota=One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Two and GBFATA=One (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-113/2015-R (9 /2015) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (FINE ARTS) (FEMALE) (BS-18), PERMANENT, F.G. COLLEGES, DIRECTORATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (CANTTS/ GARRISONS), MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: Ph.D. Degree in the relevant subject with one (1) year post qualification teaching experience at College/ University level OR M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with three (3) years post qualification teaching experience at College/ University level OR Second Class or Grade‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with five (5) years post qualification teaching experience at College/ University level. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years (Maximum age for the candidates holding Ph.D. Degree shall be 38 years) plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh (Rural).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-114/2015-R (9/2015). FIVE LIBRARIANS (MALE) (BS-17), PERMANENT, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORATE (CANTTS/ GARRISONS), MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in Library Science/ Information Science. OR Graduate with Diploma in Library Science from a University. OR Bachelor of Library Science plus five (5) years post qualification professional experience in BPS-16: otherwise eight (8) years’ experience if not in BPS-16. OR Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with Diploma in Library Science or Bachelor of Library Science. AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit =One, Punjab=Two, Sindh(Urban)=One and Balochistan=One.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-119/2015-R (9/2015). THREE MEDICAL OFFICERS (BS-17), PERMANENT, AIRPORTS SECURITY FORCE, CABINET SECRETARIAT, (AVIATION DIVISION). MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: MBBS. MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab=Two and Balochistan=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-120/2015-R (9/2015). JUNIOR SCIENTIFIC OFFICER (BS-16), PERMANENT, EME CORPS, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: Post Matric Diploma from a recognized technical institution/ polytechnic with five (5) years post qualification experience in one of the following subjects. (i) Metallurgical Engineering. (ii) Drawing and Design Engineering. (iii) Mechanical Engineering. (iv) Automobile Engineering. (v) Electrical Engineering. (vi) Electronics Engineering. (vii) Communication Engineering. (viii) Aeronautical Engineering. (ix) Chemical Engineering. MAXIMUM AGE: 32 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Balochistan. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-122/2015-R. (9/2015). THREE DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (BS-16), PERMANENT, AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION, MINISTRY OF INFORMATION, BROADCASTING & NATIONAL HERITAGE.. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree; and (ii) Three (3) years post qualification experience in a Printing Press/ Newspapers/ Journals/ Periodicals. AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab= Two and Sindh (Rural)=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-124/2015-R (9/2015). ASSISTANT PRIVATE SECRETARY (BS-16), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO CONTINUE, TEXTILE COMMISSIONER’S ORGANIZATION, KARACHI, MINISTRY OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized by HEC. (ii) A minimum speed of 100/50 w.p.m in shorthand/ typing respectively. (iii) Must be computer literate. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh (Rural). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-126/2015-R (9/2015). TWO ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS (MALE) (BS-19), PERMANENT, F.G. COLLEGES, DIRECTORATE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (CANTTS/ GARRISONS), MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION/ EXPERIENCE: Ph.D. Degree in the relevant subject with eight (8) years post qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/ University level. OR M.Phil Degree in the relevant subject with ten (10) years post qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/ University level. OR Second Class or Grade‘C’ Master’s Degree in the relevant subject with twelve (12) years post qualification teaching and administrative experience at College/ University level. CATEGORIES: (A) Economics=One and (B) History =One. AGE LIMIT: 32-40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab (Minorities/Non-Muslims quota) =One and Balochistan=One.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-128/2015-R (9/2015). ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BS-17), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN MINT, LAHORE, FINANCE DIVISION. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Business Administration (Banking/Finance/Accounts)/Commerce/ICMA or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-140/2015-R. (9/2015). TWENTY INSPECTORS (BS-16), PERMANENT, PAKISTAN RAILWAYS POLICE, MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: (i) Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized by HEC. (ii) PHYSICAL FITNESS: For Male candidates: Height 5′-7" Chest 33" – x 34 ½" “Running One (1) Mile in seven (7) Minutes”. For Female Candidates: Height 5′-2" “Running One (1) Mile in ten (10) Minutes”. AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit=Two, Punjab= Ten (Open merit=Nine and Women quota= One), Sindh (Rural)=Three (Open merit=Two and Women quota= One), Sindh(Urban)=One, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Two, Balochistan= One and GBFATA=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible). NOTE: - The eligibility of the candidates with regard to Physical Standard of Fitness as advertised will be determined on the basis of medical examination to be arranged by the Pakistan Railways Police, Ministry of Railways as and when required.
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-151/2015-R (9/2015). ASSISTANT DRAFTSMAN (BS-18), PERMANENT, LAW AND JUSTICE DIVISION, MINISTRY OF LAW, JUSTICE & HUMAN RIGHTS. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s Degree in Law or equivalent qualification, from a University recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Five (5) years post qualification experience of work in drafting statutes and statutory rules, notifications, legislations and other legal instruments, and vetting of legal documents. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Sindh(Rural). (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

Case No.F.4-155/2015-R (9/2015). ACCOUNTS OFFICER (BS-17), TEMPORARY, BUT LIKELY TO BE CONTINUED FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD, PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT, CABINET SECRETARIAT (AVIATION DIVISION). MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Commerce/ Business Administration with Finance or Accounting or equivalent qualification from a university recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Punjab. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).
Closing date……………………………………………………………………….………...21.9.2015

The Application Fee for posts (BS-16 & 17 = Rs. 300/- ; BS 18= Rs. 750/- ; BS-19 = Rs. 1200/- ; BS-20 and above= Rs. 1500/-) may be deposited on or before the closing date in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government under head “C02101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAMINATION FEE REALIZED BY FPSC”. Bank draft / Cheque/ Postal Order is not acceptable.

Step 1: 
Download Challan Form for the submission of Fee:  Click here
Step 2:
Deposit fee in National bank of Pakistan OR State Bank of Pakistan.
Step 3:
Apply Online @ fpsc website by filling the form here one picture scanned is required for this and degree completion result announcing dates also required.

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